Clancy’s Guitar School was started in mid 2004 and has been growing ever since. I know you have many choices of where to learn your instrument – other music schools, private teachers closer to home, friends, etc. I am honored that you have put your trust in us to get you started or help gain further insight during your journey with your music.

Anonymous said this about the guitar:

“The guitar is the easiest instrument to learn and the hardest to master.”

 And Einstein said this about the violin:

"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin;
what else does a man need to be happy?"

It is my firm belief that each person reading this has the ability to play an instrument and take it as far as they wish. If you are reading this then you may have decided to either begin the journey or to take your playing to a new level. We are here to help you with that. For you to spend the time, energy, and money to do this you must have discovered several things about yourself:

You must have discovered you have a love for music;

You must have discovered you have a creative side that wants to express itself;

You must have discovered a desire to express that creative side through music.

You have have my firm commitment to help you along that path.
Here are some pictures you might enjoy: